Duke Special embarks on a 2nd Pledge Campaign for new album due in 2015!
Duke Special embarks on a 2nd Pledge Campaign for new album in 2105
Duke Special is going to have a new album for 2015!!! He has teamed up with Pledge Music for a second time to help bring this new album to life! Duke only released the pledge last week and he is already 55% en route to his target goal! By pre-ordering the album now via Pledge Music fans will receive a variety of other exclusive goodies, such as signed CDs, personal house gigs, and loads of other brilliant stuff including the opportunity to join Duke in an attempt to break the world record for the most concerts performed in 24 hours!
Back in 2009, Duke Special was one of the first artists to embark upon a Pledge Campaign, raising money for his ambitious “Stage, Book and Silver Screen” project.Now after many adventures around the world, he has launched his 2nd campaign. This time it is for his 4th Studio album ‘proper’ as it were. For the last month he has been holed up in Eastbourne with producer Dave Izumi and co-producer/drummer/guitarist/songwriter Phil Wilkinson. Duke has given us a sneak preview of the direction he is taking this time via the video he posted on YouTube of the song “Domino”- http://youtu.be/99ipAv0T5_Y – and he gives us some other clues in the first of many film snippets about the album on the Pledge website – http://www.pledgemusic.com/projects/dukespecial
And what of the Pledges themselves? Well as always, Duke is not one to do things by halves. Our eyes are drawn firstly to the words “Guinness Book of Records” where Duke is planning to break the record for the most shows in one day, currently standing at 65. He has invited fans to join him for a 24 hour period in March 2015 to break the record!
Historically artists have released their albums on strange formats. 8 track cartridge, anyone? Well Duke and his vaudevillian tendencies have gone back in time again, not to the 78rpm record that he delights in DJ-ing with, but further still to the era of the Wax Cylinder. Fancy his new record on that format? There’s some still available.
See the full list of Pledges here – http://www.pledgemusic.com/projects/dukespecial
Duke plans to release the first single of his new album later this year.
A full Irish Tour is scheduled for Jan / Feb 2015 so keep an eye and ear out for them!