DUKE SPECIAL New video for ‘Elephant Graveyard’ now live!
New video for ‘Elephant Graveyard’ now live!
‘Elephant Graveyard’ is out now & available on iTunes,
New album ‘Look Out Machines’ due early 2015 &
Irish Tour Announced for 2015!
The new video for Duke Special’s brilliant new single ‘Elephant Graveyard’ has just gone live!
This video was created by Bill Hazzard of NARTYSTATION who are based in County Donegal (http://nartystation.com). NARTYSTATION are a group of animators, film-makers, actors, engineers, philosophers and musicians. They are best known for their work on Blizzard of Odd and videos for The Pox Men.
‘Elephant Graveyard’ is out now and available on iTunes – https://itunes.apple.com/ie/album/elephant-graveyard-single/id944226292
The highly anticipated new album ‘Look Out Machines’ is set to be released in 2015!
2015 tour dates:
Thursday 15th Market Place Theatre, Armagh – www.marketplacearmagh.com
Friday 16th The Glens Centre, Manorhamilton, Leitrim – www.theglenscentre.com
Saturday 17th Hawk’s Well Theatre, Sligo – www.hawkswell.com
Thursday 22nd Coughlan’s, Cork – www.coughlans.ie
Friday 23rd De Barras, Clonakilty, Cork – www.debarra.ie
Saturday 24th Garter Lane Arts Theatre, Waterford – www.garterlane.ie
Thursday 29th Arts Centre, Wexford – www.wexfordartscentre.ie
Friday 30th Solstice Arts Centre, Navan, Meath – www.solsticeartscentre.com
Saturday 31st Iontas Theatre, Castleblaney, Monaghan – www.iontascastleblayney.ie
Thursday 5th McGrory’s, Culdaff, Donegal – www.mcgrorys.ie
Friday 6th Old Courthouse, Antrim – www.antrim.gov.uk/oldcourthouse
Saturday 7th Downs Arts Centre, Downpatrick, Down – www.downartscentre.com
Thursday 12th Cunninghams, Kildare – www.cunninghamskildare.com/cms
Friday 13th The Set Theatre, Kilkenny – www.set.ie
Saturday 14th The Courthouse Arts Centre, Tinahely, Wicklow –www.courthousearts.ie
Thursday 19th Boyles of Slane, Meath – www.boylesofslane.com
Friday 20th Spirit Store, Dundalk, Louth –www.spiritstore.ie
Thursday 26th Sol Y Sombra, Killorglin, Kerry – www.solysombra.ie
Friday 27th Roisin Dubh, Galway – www.roisindubh.net
Saturday 28th Dolans (upstairs), Limerick – www.dolans.ie